Exhibitions list
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March 2024 – October 2024

Exhibition in the  Peatart Gallery
Kerkstraat 76





September 23  2022 – January 2023

Museum Veenendaal,
Kees Stipplein 1

Solo exhibition of Dioni ten Busschen
‘Mysteries van het veen’ / ‘Mysteries of the peat’


Juli 2023 – August 2023

Gallery DSG

Solo Exhibition.



December 2021 – September 2022

Peatart gallery, Amsterdam

Work of Dioni ten Busschen from her the exhibition  ‘Mummia, driven by uncertainty’

September 30 2020 – November 28 2021

Exhibition in the  Peatart Gallery
Kerkstraat 76


June 2021 – November 28 2021

Veenkoloniaalmuseum, Veendam
‘Verbeelding in Turf’

Solo exhibition of Dioni ten Busschen.
With work from the former exhibition ‘Mummia, driven by uncertainty’
( about traditions of belief and superstion  from the swamps in peat)


September 6 2020 – June 1 2021

Veenkoloniaal Museum
Veendam”Mummia, driven by uncertainty”
traditions of belief and superstion  from the swamps in peat”

Solo exhibition of Dioni ten Busschen


September 2019 – March 2020

Peatart Gallery
Kerkstraat 76 Amsteredam

Funchi, the world wide web

Solo exhibition of Dioni ten Busschen


18 mei – 31 augustus 2019

Expositie Museum Veenendaal, Veenendaal
“Turf het bruine goud”

With recent work of Dioni ten Busschen


April – June   2019

Museum Hemessen, Woubrugge

Expositie “Turf toen en nu”

With peat sculptures of Dioni ten Busschen


January 19 – April 12  2019

Peatart gallery 

Exhibition ‘Treasures from the bog

Solo exhibition of Dioni ten Busschen


June 24 – August 15  2018

Pop-up Peatart Gallery

Exhibition ‘Down to Earth’

Solo exhibition of Dioni ten Busschen


April 8 2018 – June 24  2018

Museum Opsterlân

Exhibition ‘Down to Earth’

Solo exhibition of Dioni ten Busschen



June 23 -24  2017

Exhibition in Schelle during the IJsselbïennale

With work of Dioni ten Busschen


July 7 – September 23  2017

Peatart gallery

Exhibition ‘The forgotten people of Soosaare II – Dreamtime’

Solo exhibition of Dioni ten Busschen




February 21 – May 15  2016

Museum Opsterlân

Exhibition ‘The forgotten people of Soosaare II – Dreamtime’
Solo exhibition of Dioni ten Busschen


Oktober 29 – November 2  2015

Exhibition ” Jachtkamer” at Menno Kroon, Cothen

Part of the exhibition with work of Dioni ten Busschen



August 23 – Oktober 13  2015

Veenkoloniaal museum

The exhibition ‘ The forgotten people of Soosaare

Solo exhibition of Dioni ten Busschen


January 23 – April 12  2015

Veenkoloniaal museum

Exhibition “Geinspireerd door het veen

Part of the exhibition with work of Dioni ten Busschen

June 2 – august 10   2013


Exhibition ‘Der vergessenen Menschen von Soosaare’

Solo exhibition of Dioni ten Busschen


Oktober 29 – November 1  2012

Exhibition at the Hortifair, Amsterda

With recent work of Dioni ten Busschen


June 2012

Exhibition for IPS, Stockholm

With work of Dioni ten Busschen


May 13  2012

Disclosure of the peat sulpture, by Dioni ten Busschen, of the famous conductor Neeme Järvi at his farwell party.
Residentie orkest, The Hague