Portfolio Categories Paintings
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Wenkende Wieven

‘Wenkende Wieven’
2020 from the exhibition Mummia in Veenkoloniaal museum Veendam
Material: peat on wood layer and oil paint
Size: 240 x 160 cm

Soosaare Morning

Soosaare Morning 2017
From the collection “Down to earth”

Material: Oilpaint on Peat panel

De Blauwe Hel

Name: De Blauwe Hel
Year: 2019
Material: oilpaint on peatlayer
Size: H. 110 cm x W. 160 cm

Exhibited in the exhibition “Turf het bruine goud” in museum Veenendaal
from 18 april till 31 august 2019
This is the marshland in the enviroment of Veenendaal called “De Blauwe hel”

Holy Nerthus stone

Name: PP 011 Holy Nerthus stone
Year: 2018
Size: H 80 cm x W 60 cm
Material: Peat on woodlayer and oilpaint

Tassi 2018

Name: PP oo9 Tassi
Year 2018
Size:150 cm x 98 cm
Material: oilpaint on Peatlayer